Thanks for reading My View from Here and…Before!
I don't think that was really University football players.... Was there a local school who suited up?
You may be right!
We stopped watching at half time
Really hard to watch that long.
I was there and I couldn’t stop waiting. Hoping for some magic.
trapped like a rat. LOL
It was…we were there.
However…our tailgate was awesome. Italian beef sandwiches and cold beer.
We stayed a tad longer but was not fun
Sure was..we were there.
But….the tailgate was fun.😄
I went to a sale Friday, bought a Purdue coffee mug. Thinking I might try to return it for a refund. Half time was as far as I could stomach. Camilla said we should have gone over and helped on the field. We couldn't have done any worse
Was the game hard to watch? Yes, yes it was.
I gave up at 21-0. I watched it out on the deck and it was hot, and I had better things to do.
Perfect response!!
I was there. Roasting. First time that I have ever left at halftime. Ugh!
Yep, very bad game!
I don't think that was really University football players.... Was there a local school who suited up?
You may be right!
We stopped watching at half time
Really hard to watch that long.
I was there and I couldn’t stop waiting. Hoping for some magic.
trapped like a rat. LOL
It was…we were there.
However…our tailgate was awesome. Italian beef sandwiches and cold beer.
We stayed a tad longer but was not fun
Sure was..we were there.
But….the tailgate was fun.😄
I went to a sale Friday, bought a Purdue coffee mug. Thinking I might try to return it for a refund. Half time was as far as I could stomach. Camilla said we should have gone over and helped on the field. We couldn't have done any worse
Was the game hard to watch? Yes, yes it was.
I gave up at 21-0. I watched it out on the deck and it was hot, and I had better things to do.
Perfect response!!
I was there. Roasting. First time that I have ever left at halftime. Ugh!
Yep, very bad game!